Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday short and sweet

Well, not really. For the sake of Valentine's, I could say semi-sweet. I'm thinking about clicking on more articles, but sometimes, I just don't feel like browsing or reading anything.
I don't know who the lullaby guy is who sings puppies to sleep. I have to use my imagination. It could be a real political leader. If it is, I take it in a light-hearted way where everything is ok for the time. If it is John, the baby's dad, I don't take it light-hearted. I really don't want to go into any major elaborations of why I hate the male population in general terms, but talk is cheap John. We are in some major fueding drama and you just want to sugar coat yourself and act as if everything is ok with us. It is not, and I'm not appreciating your egocentrism. I can scoff at this tumor, but I'm not sure how many other tumors you have.
With other guys, I'm not really sure right now. There are two older ones I can guess at and I'm just going to keep playing along and being as calm as I can.
I did take note of one NY fashion blog. I'm not really sure how I should read it. I take it as a light-hearted approach, but there are some Peter Pan moments where it just doesn't cut it. If attempts of friendship with Erin or Autumn is being made, it is back to "talk is cheap." I would assume that they could share some responsibility in how damned my life has been. I definitely know more with Erin that she does think it is ok to subject me to her. Approach or no approach, talk is cheap. Call me impossible, I don't care. I don't want their friendship. I've also been seriously damaged already when some of their drama has included other guys. I don't care of any other routes from there. If either John or Jon is giving further bisexual suggestions, they have so much nerve to be suggestive like that. I was never close to the baby's father anyway, but they have both been assholes. I obviously have not conformed to their preference of culture, but just because I bitch a little about faschism doesn't mean that I'm being desperate to fit in. I'm desperate to get them to stop being hateful. If this is what they want to tame their dragon; it's more like trying to tame a sick pig. Jon, I know I went Brittany on you a couple of years ago with "Slave for you," heck I even said it expired when you refreshed your memory. You're taking my Genie too far in what you are demanding. I may eventually have a tougher hooker-like heart one day that won't care what it is being told to do, but until then, my heart isn't tough enough to withstand any neverending type of sexual demands. If I do become a stripper and am experienced enough at being stone cold hearted, your pig just may have its day one day. Until then, you need to figure out more of your wishes at my command in a more possible way. I hate the way I already know I don't have a hooker-heart and you have the potential to make better guesses at me if you actually payed attention to try to make guesses. Just command and I will try to say "yes," as much as I can. I can't say yes to everything, but "yes" or "no" with a straight face and no elaborations is fine with me.
The other John, compared to Jon, you actually are more of a "good guy." Still very bad with your original plans of abortion and how you have been dealing with things in the matrix. However, I'm not your "Genie," one bit. I'm not even going to say how I become a Genie. I just do. You're safer in realizing how impossible I am right now and to not test me in any piggish way or test me at all. I will eventually send you a literal and personal email later. And yes, literal personal emails are different than the matrix or blinding, hustling, media. Much different.

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