Friday, December 13, 2013

Short and Sweet

Neither night is really good. Hahahaha someone out there has ratted that I'm on my period. hahahaahah. Oh shut up. I can dance if I want to. a little bloated and all. So, it really isn't an option if I want to be a Roxanne tonight, but I can still have fun. Everything is up in the air and I don't care. Awe, Casino Barilla, they picked on you. I didn't look at the clip the first time they posted it, because I have a hard time trusting even the online media. (msn media). Sorry if you feel embarrassed. I still want to dance with you if I ever happen to meet you out. You make yourself out of reach anyway. They did have you in a band the other night at the Outdoor club incase you didn't know you were being thrown out somewhere. I danced so much anyway, that I got a pain in my side that ppl sometimes get from running. Its supposed to snow tmw anyway ice and all, so I'm picking tonight anyway. Going to dance if I want to .

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