Thursday, November 28, 2013

Random Thoughts

Thanksgiving...... I will be thankful for the actual dinner. I think the typical Thanksgiving food is some of the best food. Stuffing, sweet potato casserole, Turkey, Pumpkin pie. I am doing another modeling stunt and doing it for Better Homes and Gardens. lol. Yes and no seriously. I am going to make a non-alcohol holiday beverage. I can't make up my mind what I want to call it. Cranberry bubble cocktail or Cranberry fruit spritz. I'm being all artsy about it too. Ice cubes with cranberrys in them along with frozen cranberries. This is going to be completely all of my own recipe. I had such a difficult time in making up my mind with some things, but I found stuff to put together that gives me a peace of mind enough. I'm also making sweet potato casserole. It is just fun to make my own creations sometimes. I could see myself creating an alcohol version too, but not everyone drinks alcohol, esp. kids. Have to make something for everyone. Shopping. I feel so killed anymore when withdrawing more money from my savings. When I look online through my own picks, it feels much more painless with the fashion quality and the deals that I find.... Decisions decisions. I feel I should wait until I save more to spend, but with this being the best shopping time of the year, it is just too difficult to not spend. I also need to get myself a coat yet. I'm not going out on Black Friday this year. I just don't feel like waiting in the lines. I already found several good bargain buys and only need to just get a few more things. With just a few more things, I think I'll get those at another time.......

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